I love all of them!
All of the Cambo and Filip are boss!
I love all of them!
All of the Cambo and Filip are boss!
This was very well done i look forward to your future work!
Pretty good
Hey I'm not a clock hater and then again i'm not a clock lover. i'm just all about good flash and this was just that good flash.
Bad Joe! Smoking is bad for you!
You know they have patchs for smoking now?! You should get some help and try to quit.
I agree...smoking is bad for me...er...but who cares! so is breathing??? and Mc Donalds...death is coming any way you look at it...I'm just going at him HEAD ON! MWAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Hope you enjoyed the flash otherwise though. :)
RIGGED!!! There are more votes then views!!!
What the hell are you talking about?
219 votes, 949 views, RIGGED MY ASS!
Hey very nice!
Jackie Chan please leave a review for my game "Starsky&HutchDrivingGame" still on the portal!
Not bad infact I like it! Keep up the good work!
"Let them see what is not there and feel what does not touch them. When they no longer trust their senses, that is the time to strike."
Age 37, Male
Army National Guard
Home School
Madison, CT
Joined on 4/2/01